The Pyjama Foundation recognises the amazing work done by Foster Carers, helping our community’s most vulnerable children.

We understand that Carers are often dealing with a range of issues – so this is where we come in to help.
Our volunteer-based Love of Learning Program aims to help children in care with their learning and personal growth.
The Pyjama Foundation recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteers from the community called ‘Pyjama Angels’. These volunteers are matched with a child or young person in care and visit them, in their home, once a week (for a minimum of 12 months) to implement our Love of Learning Program.
When they visit, they spend an hour a week reading books, playing educational games and helping the child with their homework or supporting them with life skills. Pyjama Angels have access to a range of resources from our libraries.
The Pyjama Foundation is supported by Child Safety Departments. All volunteers have a current working with children check.
Pyjama Angel visits are to be held in the young person's home with the support of their carer(s).
The Love of Learning Program currently operates throughout Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. Please visit our contact us page for a list of regions.
If you know of a child you think would benefit from this program, please fill out our online referral form and we will be in touch.

Who is Eligible
Children living in out of home care (foster and kinship care kids)
(Note: All referrals will be signed off by a Child Safety Officer and/or Case Worker)
Who can refer a child?
- Child Safety Officers
- Carers
- Foster Agencies
- Case Workers
“A Pyjama Angel makes a child feel special. They bring fun and laughter into a child’s life without stress or hidden agenda. They communicate with a child and make them feel safe. I have no hesitation in recommending this program to other carers. All children should have a Pyjama Angel.”
Foster Carer