Mentoring Magic
Our Impact Report “Mentorship Magic” contains detailed information about how the Foundation is creating long lasting and positive connections for children and young people in care by matching them with a volunteer Pyjama Angel mentor. Each week they spend invaluable one- on-one time fostering academic achievement, personal development and resilience unlocking the transformative “power of an hour”. Our programs strive to offer the stability and nurturing these vulnerable children and young people need to heal, thrive and grow.

The report details our impact and achievements including:
- The challenge faced by children and young people in OOHC
- The importance of placing the child at the centre
- How we are working to be part of the solution
- How we are trauma -informed and evidence based
- The voices of the children
- The voices of the young people
- The voices of the foster carers
- The voices of the Pyjama Angel mentors
- The voices of past participants
- Our cultural connections
- Our fundraising activities and partnerships

Our Impact

The Love of Learning Program enhances the lives of children and young people in care by pairing them with dedicated volunteer mentors. This relationship–focused approach boosts the child’s self-confidence, decision making skills and enthusiasm for learning, ultimately improving their interpersonal relationships, social connections and employability while reducing educational disadvantage.
Snapshot of our impact: